Monday, October 1, 2007

Sorry Dad

So this morning, as I was getting ready for work, a couple neurons in my brain started rapidly firing. The memory that they conjured up made me realize I am way cooler than even I thought. So as I get ready, I listen to my music on random. A song I didn’t remember I had came on.
Ok, first back story…last summer I went to Greece. During my trip, I found out that The Bloodhound Gang is HUGE there. Like massively huge. All I really knew of them was The Bad Touch and that Fire Water Burn song. But the song that was being played at all the bars and stuff was new and was actually kind of good. I blamed the ouzo. So when I came back to the states, I was really sad that they never played The Bloodhound Gang. I downloaded a couple of their songs and changed my Myspace page around, including making my song a BHG song and wrote a bulletin about it. I got a tad OCD about them.
Back to this morning…a BHG song came on my random itunes thingy. I forgot how much I liked them. So I went to their website to see when their next album was coming out. They had a new video. They had a new song. I listened to the new song. I loved the new song. They are apparently on tour. I looked to see when they would be coming to a town near me. They aren’t. Apparently Evil Jared Hasselhoff (who is my Myspace friend…OCD) refuses to come to the states until George Dubya is out of office. (He lives in Germany…OCD) I got sad, felt defeated by Dubya, (again) and put my itunes back to random. Soundgarden came on.
Second back-story…when I was 14 I saw Soundgarden in their last ever Los Angeles concert. It was an okay concert considering the company I was with. (Megan, I’m looking at you) It was sponsored by K-ROQ and that’s where I met Carson Daly. (That’s another story unto itself!) Okay, so since it was being sponsored, K-ROQ brought some up and coming band. I hated the band. They were uber frat-boyesk and only into the ladies with big fake boobs. (I was 14…I don’t know why I was comparing myself, but I did.) Then they played one song that I actually knew. My friend and I got excited like giddy little girls and started screaming along since we could yell out “burn mother fucker, burn.”
Back to this morning…when I realized this, I actually said out loud, “ Holy shit! I did see them live.” And then I got jealous of myself. I am too cool, son.


bodhi said...

i have a term for these sorts of things on my blog. it's called "ether" and it means things in the universe are just crazily lining up for you. congratulations on your ether moment tashy

Natachacha said...

One milkshake, two straws.

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