Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I haven't felt it all in a while: next time I'll stretch

Going to kid space with the nephews has made me walk like a goblin today. all hunched over and walking slow. I climbed an 80 foot "wisteria leaf" climbing thing and feel every muscle I have neglected for the past couple of years. at the time, I had a charlie horse in my leg that made me feel as though I was dragging a fallen comrade to safety. and at one point I totally got stuck and didn't know how to move. my Nephew Jackson kept yelling "come on Tasha, come on Tasha," so much that I had to yell back, "Jackson, I have a good foot of limbs more than you, I need to figure out what to do and where to put them." he didn't get it, but at least it made me feel better. I also have a bruise on my hand and a slight twitch under my eye from where Rory smacked me as he was falling down. I had to catch the kid. I just didn't realize it would be with my eye socket. ah, the nephews always leave me feeling something. this time, it's pain.

p.s. grammar and punctuation and capitalization don't matter when you hurt this bad.
And I am going to write more often, cause otherwise I will forget everything...HA, no I wont! I'm like a freaking elephant.