Monday, October 8, 2007

road rage is all the rage

I never get mad at who I should get mad at. In fact, when I used to see a therapist (long story, sad story, not a blog story) she said that the reason I have road rage is because I am not able to tell the people in my life how mad they make me, so I take it out on random people that I know I’ll never see again anyway. Ok, this little tidbit of info was made relevant again on Friday. After a bad day at work that left me feeling defeated and deflated, I walked to my car. When I get off of work now, it’s dark. So here I am, this angry little girl, walking to my car in the dark. As I’m walking, there were about five teenage boys walking down the street. One was skateboarding, one was wearing ridiculously tight pants, and the others were just there. In other words, mad Natasha was not scared. As I approach my car, they had to walk past me, and one of these teenage hooligans said, “ hello there young lady.” Wow, what a nice chap. I’m sure he didn’t expect me to yell back, “ I’m old enough to be your mother!!!” and slam the door to my car. As I’m sitting in my car asking myself why the hell I did that, I turn the car on, and much to my chagrin, I started blaring Jay- Z rapping about ladies being pimps too, and getting that dirt off your shoulder. I’m sure they want me as their mother now.


bodhi said...

just dont get our house burgled or a nice little home invasion action because of your rage toward the neighborhood hooligans, ok tashy?

Jeremy Bernstein said...

Are you for sale? THAT'S what they should have said!